• Московский экономический институт
  • Московский институт Психоанализа
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The Faculty of Journalism was established by a group of professional print media journalists.
After graduating, our students go on to work in the print and electronic media as journalist as editors.

Students are able to choose from one of the following areas of specialisation:

  • Online journalism
  • Glossy journalism
  • Fashion journalism
  • Business journalism
  • Sports journalism

Course features

Students are taught by professional journalists and have the opportunity to work for leading Russian publications, such as Lenta.ru, Russkiy Reportyor, Chastny Korrespondent, Novye Izvestia, Cosmopolitan, and Bolshoi Gorod.
Students are introduced to the practice of journalism as early as during their first semester of study.

In the second year of the course, students have opportunities to publish their work in Russian publications